
4 Common Ways Your Business Could Be Targeted by Hackers

cyber security

Cybersecurity is an area that business owners should be constantly aware of. Unfortunately, hackers are common, and they are ruthless with their attacks, which come in a variety of forms. Businesses in particular tend to be targeted, so don’t assume that your company is safe.

Why Do They Target Businesses?

One of the main reasons why cyber-hackers attack businesses is that there is a lot of financial gain for them – businesses tend to have more money than individuals. By getting hold of just one employee’s credentials, they could have access to a company’s finances, which would be detrimental to a business.

To protect yourself and your company, you must first know the common ways hackers attack businesses.

1. Phishing Emails

Phishing emails are sneaky ways hackers attempt to get victims to click on harmful links to steal their credentials and other sensitive information. Unfortunately, these emails can appear very convincing, which is why they often work. If you run a business, it’s crucial to make sure your employees know what to look out for when it comes to phishing emails and to not click on anything if they’re not one hundred percent sure of who the sender is. Many phishing scammers pretend to be a person of authority in a business, so encourage your employees to question each email from a new address, no matter who they claim to be.

2. Weak Passwords

Weak passwords are one of the easiest ways hackers gain access to your credentials. Imagine a weak password is like an old locked door – it won’t open straight away, but a decent push will have it swinging wide open. Every time you choose a new password, make sure it’s strong (usually there’s text above telling you how weak or strong it is). Hackers use graphic cards to try out a range of different passwords, but if yours is a random combination of uppercase, lowercase, numbers, and letters, then there’s little chance that they will crack yours. Remember to avoid repeating your passwords too!

3. Malware

Unfortunately, malware hacking is on the rise. Hackers use malware to steal sensitive data to either use or sell on, which can include financial information. To avoid this, you must implement the best cybersecurity measures you can and make sure you or your employees don’t click on any unknown links. If you’re looking to increase your company’s security, click here for information about CASB, which will help you gain control over your app-based systems.

4. Cyber Blackmail

Also known as ‘ransomware’ this type of cyber-hacking is particularly nasty. What happens is the hacker gains access to your information and proceeds to use it against you, threatening to leak or delete your data unless you comply with their requests. The requests are mostly money relatedand they will claim to hold on to your data and demand that you send money to them. To avoid this, you must ensure you have the best security measures in place throughout your company. With the number of cyber-hackers out there, it is essential for all businesses and individuals alike to protect themselves as much as they can.