Hi, my name is Gavin. I am a professional educator, licensed by the Ontario College of Teachers. I have a Bachelor of Science degree in physics from Wilfrid Laurier University (WLU), a Bachelor of Education from the University of Ontario Institute of Technology (UOIT) and a Master of Science in Modelling and Computational Science also from UOIT.
Ever since I took my first physics class in grade 11 I’ve been in love with the subject. The entire universe fascinates me and understanding how the entire thing works is such an amazing feeling. What excites me even more is being able to teach the subject to those who are curious. I have taught science and math at different levels, from grade 7 all the way to the university level. I have noticed that many people trying to understand physics have difficulty because they cannot visualize what is going on. I decided to try to make some interactive Flash applets that can demonstrate some of these physics principles. I started writing these when I was still working towards my undergraduate degree. Since then I’ve had lots of great feedback from many students and teachers. Some teachers have even used these applets in their classes as a teaching tool.
Aside from being a science nerd, I am also a huge computer geek. I love computers and I love coding. Coding is usually what I end up doing when I have time to myself and want to relax. Recently I have been getting more familiar with Ubuntu Linux (I should have done this years ago), 3d graphics programming using Ogre3d and Android.