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Some Major Issues Concerning Bath Installations You should Know about

Bath Installations

If you are thinking of installing a bath, there are some essential pointers to consider, and this includes the bath’s functionality and practicality, its quality, the material it is made from, its style and design, the size of your bathroom, and other obvious factors. But to have the best bath installation for your needs, there are some other issues you should consider as well.

Think of the future

Installing a bath is not an easy task – it has to be done by a professional, and it has to be fitted just right. Once your bath is installed, it needs to last for a good many years. So before you have your bath installed, you should think of the future – you should already have the foresight to think about what other features you would like to have so they can be installed at the same time. You wouldn’t want to have your bath installed and then suddenly decide to add an extra tap or other feature, would you? Before installation, think about the add-ons you want so you can be spared from the hassle of taking extra measures later on.

The basics on measurement

As mentioned earlier, the size of your bathroom and the size of the bath play a big role. That being said, take the most careful measurements to make sure there is enough room. A standard bath would typically have interior measurements of approximately 1.52 metres in length, 762 millimetres in width, and 355 to 406 millimetres in height. The usual measurement of a bath’s exterior would be between 1.5 to 1.8 metres long and 812 millimetres to 1524 millimetres wide. It is also worth noting that some baths are built to accommodate more than one person, whilst most are simply made for one individual only.

Other tips before purchasing a bath

Before you even decide to purchase a bath that you like, you can do some additional tests as well. These tests will really give you a good idea of the bath’s suitability. For instance, if you are in a showroom, you can try lying down in the bath itself before making a purchase so you can make sure that it is long and comfortable enough for you.

You should also remember that not all baths are suitable for the addition of a shower feature, so you should keep this in mind as well. If you would like a shower for your bath, you should ask the salesperson for further assistance.

Another tip before purchasing a bath is to make sure that your water heater is able to produce enough heated water in order for your bath to be filled. Also, if you want additional features such as bath panels, it would be better to choose them whilst you are making your bath purchase so they can be installed at the same time. And when it comes to bath panels, a Carron bath panel is always a quality, value-for-money, and stylish choice.



Image attributed to Sira Anamwong/FreeDigitalPhotos.net