
Help Your Food Startup Steer Clear of Social Media Mistakes With These Tips


Because social media is such a powerful tool for your food startup, it can be used for great benefits, but if you’re not careful, could have devastating effects. One of the most important things to keep in mind when monitoring social media channels is that the way you respond to a customer publicly can be captured online forever. There are specific things you can do to avoid social media mishaps and keep your startup strong, even in crowded and demanding markets.

Never Assume Silence is the Best Course of Action

When a crisis becomes apparent across social media channels, you may initially not know what to do, so feel the best immediate response is silence. While it’s okay to take a step back and evaluate things, don’t let your lack of responsiveness persist for too long.

Social media has a tendency of causing people to expect immediate responses. After all, people can click “like” on Facebook to instantly convey their enthusiasm for a scrumptious-looking meal, so they may wonder why startup companies can’t do the same when sending apologies for perceived failures.

Always Be Consistent

Most large companies employ social media teams to oversee their respective channels and chat with customers. In those cases, even when there are dozens of people responding to social media communications, each person provides consistent messaging.

Your cuisine startup may not have the money to hire social media experts, but you can still be consistent in the ways you engage with customers online. If your startup has developed a particular voice that’s used throughout company materials, make sure the tone’s reflected in social media communications too. The more consistent social media messages are, the easier it’ll be to assure customers your company is worth trusting.

Don’t Just Upload Images for the Sake of Seeming Cool

Some startup companies try to capitalize on certain things out of a desire to seem current, rather than primarily doing so because it makes sense for the business. One example is how the leader of a startup company may feel it’s necessary to have social media accounts that are filled with pictures.

In some instances, that works really well. For example, the hamptoncreek Instagram profile is for a food technology company that whips up unconventional, in-demand items like egg-free mayonnaise. It features pictures of delicious creations that are sure to make anyone’s mouth water.

However, if your startup company manufactures nothing but a certain type of flour, it may not be as appropriate to have image-heavy social media accounts in an effort to encourage consumer interest. Always have a clear knowledge of the advantages common to your company and its products. If you can genuinely promote those perks with pictures, great, but don’t make your efforts seem forced.

Give Customers Opportunities to Weigh In

A social media profile could become almost useless or even backfire if you use it solely as an advertising arm. People tend to quickly pick up on promotional campaigns that don’t seem genuine. If your social media presence comes across as nothing more than a huge advertisement, customers won’t be very likely to visit the pages repeatedly.

One way you can avoid sounding too promotional on social media pages is by giving visitors a chance to provide feedback and interact with the content you post. Ask open-ended questions, and think about doing things such as posting images of several potential product packages and then asking your social media audience to choose their favorites.

When you let consumers speak their minds, you’re giving them the impression your social media profiles aren’t just long-winded advertisements for whatever you’re selling, but ways to instantly gauge what your target market is thinking, and respond accordingly. As a result, customers tend to feel you really want and value their opinions. They may even ultimately feel extremely loyal to your brand over other options because they appreciate how your company reached out to ask for input.

Realize There’s No Need to Have a Presence on Every Platform

In an effort to become as visible as possible across social media, many overeager startups create profiles on all the major channels. However, it’s better to carefully evaluate which websites are best aligned with your products and intended audience. Otherwise, you may waste a lot of time and energy.

The suggestions above could help you handily avoid social media blunders that could cause you to not see advantages from social media as much as you otherwise might. Put them into practice starting today.