
An In-Depth Look at the Top Problems You Face as a Meeting Room Booking Manager

room booking software

If you’re in charge of making sure that multiple people – each with their own busy schedules and agendas – are able to meet at a certain date and time at a certain place, you know how frustrating it can be. It’s about confirming a date, time, and place that is practical for everyone, and that is a lot easier said than done. Add to that arranging for the right venue, making sure all audiovisual equipment is available and ready, finding the right caterers and other services, when necessary, and you understand that a meeting room booking manager without the right tools will have a stressful experience. Here, then, is an in-depth look at the top problems you face as a meeting room booking manager.

Wasted time

Traditionally, all information was jotted down on paper or on a spreadsheet. These outdated means not only caused a lot of confusion, but made it additionally hard to retrieve previously noted information or make changes in an organised manner. This, of course, led to a lot of wasted time. Calls, emails, post-it notes, underlining, scratching out – you get the picture. It’s important to have a clear overview and organised information.

Scheduling errors

These can arise, and for several reasons. Often, the mistakes are caused by speaking to the wrong person. At other times, scheduling errors are due to delayed or outdated information. Human error is also a cause in many of the cases. Whatever the causes are, scheduling errors are often frustrating and can lead to quick fixes that result in all-round disappointment.

Morale and perception

Often there are many people involved in the process of organising events, and communication is important. With so many details to take care of, no person can remember it all – and relying on your own memory often leads to breakdown in morale and customer perception.


It’s not just about saving time – it’s also about making the most of the space that is available. At times it’s hard to monitor what space is available, and this leads to disorganisation. Sometimes, plans B, C, and D need to be considered to ensure not everything goes haywire when the event, meeting, or conference begins.

For those who understand the hassles and problems, there is a very efficient solution, however: meeting room booking software specifically created for proper conference room management. The greatest advantage of this is that the meeting room booking manager has a complete overview at any time – from available meeting rooms to attendees, and from catering services to transport or equipment hire. It saves time, prevents errors, streamlines visitor management, and much, much more. Meeting room booking managers have a job that can’t be underestimated, and they really do deserve all the help they can get.


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