There are a number of reasons why you’d want to create a YouTube channel for your business or brand: a powerful marketing tool, it’s a great way of creating a dedicated following for your company, while being an easy way to provide product updates.
With a dedicated and popular YouTube channel, you can increase the exposure of your organisation. The great thing is with a few changes here and there you could build and develop a channel with a follower count that’ll make your competitors envious, while proving to be an incredibly powerful marketing tool for yourself.
Ensure that your branding is on point
First and foremost, you need to ensure that your YouTube channel actually represents your company. As obvious as this sounds, you need to ensure you’re your username is relevant. People might search for your company or brand name – if your channel isn’t named appropriately they’ll miss it.
Then you need to ensure that your channel art looks professional. This is often overlooked by business owners, where they’ll opt for something quick and simple to keep things cheap, and speed up the process. There are three important aspects of a YouTube page you need to be aware of – the banner, thumbnail and channel art.
The banner will sit at the top of your page, introducing and inviting people with a quick overall idea of what your page does. It’s relatively large and so you have plenty of scope. Some choose to advertise latest videos, while some keep it static and uniform, describing what the channel is. With so many that look unprofessional, it’s key you use a good YouTube banner template to ensure people are met with quality straight away.
Your thumbnail will sit below any video and is often the first thing people look for if landing on a video randomly. Businesses can gain the benefit of displaying their logo there – as it’s easily recognizable, and it’s an opportunity to advertise your business, so make sure your thumbnail is appropriate to whatever you do.
Take advantage of social media
If you’ve been an online business for a few years, there’s a good chance that you’ll already have a dedicated following on the likes of Twitter and Facebook. If so, you can use your current follower count to share your YouTube videos – although, being tech savvy, you’re probably already doing this.
On the other hand, if you’re relatively new to the world of social media, or you haven’t taken advantage of what it offers yet, then you need to start quick. By creating social media channels you can engage with potential customers by following them and creating content that they’ll love. After a time of engaging, you can advertise to them and share articles and videos you feel they’ll enjoy – all with the intention of driving traffic to your website.
Take a look at all the biggest brands worldwide – they’ll have followers in the millions. Big businesses use big budgets to maximize their social media channels every year to maintain their audience. We’re not saying you have to do the same, but by making a start, you can create a platform which is great for sharing your awesome YouTube content!